This website was created to report on and publicize the activities of the research project “Anthropocenic Actors and Agency in Humanity, Society, and Nature” (abbreviated AAA Project, 2022-2027), which has been accepted by the Topic-Setting Program to Advance Cutting-Edge Humanities and Social Sciences Research:Co-creation of Academic Knowledge of the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS).

Humanities are often viewed as abstract, speculative discussions detached from reality. Regardless of whether or not the image is accurate, how did it come to have such a strong hold on the public? Academic methods used in the humanities include literature study, field research, and experimentation. However, these methods are not limited to the humanities. It is generally believed that the natural sciences can be useful and practical for improving the quality of human life and the environment. There is, however, a widespread recognition that technological and scientific advancements alone cannot provide hope for the future of society.
This project aims to establish an innovative humanities that integrates science and technology with the traditional humanities by tracing the history of humans, society, and nature and looking forward to the future. Various problems we encounter in the natural and social environment today can be traced back to the process by which humans have developed. Technological advancements continue to affect our living environments, and as a result we as individuals are constantly undergoing changes in an adaptive manner. Accordingly, we propose that a “soft equilibrium with others and nature” will be of value in the upcoming evolution of human society.
A possible explanation for the image of uselessness is the fact that the humanities do not produce or provide any physical goods. However, as numerous religious and cultural conflicts have demonstrated, it is not only goods that motivate people and societies, but also ideas, concepts, images, and discourses that can have an even greater impact. Throughout human history, the ideals of “freedom” and “human rights,” the foundation of the humanities, have emerged from deep contemplation of man, society, and nature. Meanwhile, technological advancement has always been an integral part of human history, and we have to live in harmony with all creatures on this planet in the unpredictable future society that technology has opened up. This is why the “soft balance with others and nature” advocated by this project is important, and we need a space for co-creating integrated knowledge activities and linking humanities knowledge with various scientific disciplines. Including robotics, art research, and social systems research, the project is expected to make a significant contribution not only to academia, but also to society as a whole. Therefore, this project intends to show the way for an interdisciplinary, open, and humanistic society of the future.
Principal Investigator: NAKAMURA Yasuko(Nagoya University)